Dear parents
Thank you for your support and understanding during this challenging time.
As you are aware, the school will be closed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week for most students, and Monday and Friday the following week. We have prepared activities that the children can complete at home to continue their learning. We have tried to provide a variety of activities to keep children engaged and ensure curriculum breadth. As well as the learning packs that are attached to this email, children can also access activities on a range of websites listed in the home learning document attached.
We will print out the attached documents for children to bring home on Tuesday, along with any other resources. Pease let us know on Monday if there is anything we can get for you to support your child’s learning tasks.
This is a supportive gesture from the school, not a prescriptive one. We will be available throughout the next 2 weeks to answer any questions so please do not hesitate to call if you have a question about any of the work/activities. There is no pressure for you to complete any of the attached, we just want to give you some options. Most importantly we wish for you to have fun and enjoy activities together. Please keep us posted in whatever you choose to do, it would be great if you could send us photos or videos of the children engaging in learning tasks.
Where appropriate children will be bringing home reading books which we would hope you will encourage them to read. There is a reading activities sheet to give various challenges to the students.
On our school website we will be making a ‘home learning’ section that has a range of online resources to further support you with your child’s home learning. This will hopefully be completed by the end of the weekend.
If school continues to be closed past the Easter holidays, then we will be in touch with further advice, support and activities for your children.
Our thoughts are with you during this time.
Kind regards,
Tim Rogers
Click here to see the home learning summary.