“The curriculum is carefully considered to ensure that there is an effective balance of academic learning and other activities to interest and engage pupils. For instance, pupils enjoy growing vegetables at the allotment, learning to climb and caring for horses.” Ofsted, March 2020
mutual respect, trust and high expectations
The school actively promotes a positive educational culture, through which students’ efforts are privately and publicly acknowledged to celebrate individual achievements and enhance their self-esteem. Kingsgate School provides every student with a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant curriculum based on the National Curriculum to cater for their current and future needs.
“Leaders have prioritised reading, and consequently pupils are developing a love of books. “
Ofsted, March 2020
The curriculum at Kingsgate School is tailored to individual needs and helps students become:
• Successful learners who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve
• Confident individuals, able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
• Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to their local and wider community.
“Pupils, many for the first time, are forming healthy friendships and engaging in positive relationships with staff. Everyone wants the best for each other.” Ofsted, March 2020
This approach to the curriculum planning ensures that each student is at the centre and the curriculum and services they require is tailored to meet their individual needs.
Each student is supported in identifying and achieving their ambitions through effective transition planning and a comprehensive careers service including support from an independent careers advisor. Students are encouraged to voice their views regarding their provision and are involved in setting their own development targets to enable them to realise their short and long term goals.
Kingsgate School encourages students to develop their learning, leadership and independence skills through a well-balanced curriculum offering academic, creative, practical, vocational and physical experiences. Embedded within the fabric of Kingsgate School is the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of each student.
There is a strong emphasis on learning outside of the classroom, making the most of the local facilities and the South Downs. We have developed strong links within our local community with local colleges, businesses, charities and sport centres.
The curriculum is further enriched through the following schemes and activities:
• Curriculum theme days - cross curricular theme days focusing on different cultural and religious events.
• Celebration days - celebrating our students’ achievements, as well as acknowledging key national and international events
• LOtC – Learning out of the classroom, all students will have various opportunities of taking part in Forest Schools, visiting local and national museums, special sporting events, and taking part in outdoor adventurous activities.
• Residential trips - taking in a wide variety of locations including the South Downs and the New Forest.